Safety is a significant concern in the mining industry. As the workers go underground to source materials, the danger ranges from health risks to getting buried underground. However, due to past occurrences in history, the mining industry now implements various safety measures to ensure the safety of miners while they are on the field. But why is safety an essential aspect of the mining industry? Here are some reasons why.
1. Mining Is a Dangerous Industry
Mining is a dangerous industry. It is not only hazardous for the miners and the people living around the mining area. Although mining can be profitable for the country or for the company, the risk of losing lives and properties is just as high. Mining accidents can result in injuries and deaths, and property damage.
2. Mining Reveals Unique Challenges in Worker Safety
The mining industry requires miners to work around the clock in extreme conditions. At times, they need to work in areas that can be hazardous to the safety of the miners. Mining requires miners to work in dangerous places. They need to be aware of the risks and most probable accidents that can happen where they are working. It is sometimes hard to ensure that you perform the right way, especially if the mining area is very complex.
3. Mine Accidents Are Costly
The mining industry is a multi-million dollar industry that offers many opportunities for people. However, despite all the promises, it is also hazardous. If accidents occur in the mining industry, property damage and injuries can be very costly to companies. Considering that mining is a multi-billion dollar industry, companies are likely to spend a lot of money on safety and security measures to prevent possible accidents.
4. Health Is a Major Concern
Mining can produce pollutants that can affect miners’ health and the communities surrounding the mining area. Air pollutants, water pollutants, and noise are just some environmental pollutants that can cause health problems for miners.
5. Preventing Accidents Is Easier Than Fixing Them
It is much easier to prevent an accident than to fix it afterward. Accidents are very costly in the mining industry, mainly involving property damage, injuries, and deaths. If a mining company and its personnel do not take safety seriously, accidents will happen, and it can be very devastating.
6. Mining Is a 24/7 Industry
Mining is a 24/7 industry. It means that miners must work even when other sectors have already stopped working. Thus, it is only natural for miners to be exposed to the risks of health problems, accidents, and death. With the dangers that miners are exposed to, it is essential to ensure that the miners’ health, safety, and security are prioritized at all times.
Throughout the years, mining has been a multi-million dollar industry that provides many opportunities for people. However, it is also a risky industry where accidents can happen and can be costly despite the promises. The mining industry should be aware of the risks and dangers that miners are exposed to and implement necessary safety measures.
With the risks that miners are exposed to, it is only natural for them to be exposed to potential health problems, accidents, and death. If a mining company and its workers do not take safety seriously, accidents will happen to the miners and the community.
Janet Sheriff is one of the few women in mining, pushing for better practices in the field. As one of the known female mining CEOs, she aims to help others find their niche and step up in every industry they enter through my extensive experience and skills. Together, let’s bring a progressive and mindful approach to mining. Read more of her goals through her website today.