Janet's Blog
Welcome to my blog. After decades of working extensively with First Nation communities, communications and corporate strategy and finally the mining sector, l have many stories to share about these great experiences. It’s an amazing world out there, incredible people and an underappreciated sector that drives our economy and quality of life. I highly recommend the road less travelled. Enjoy!
Latest Posts

Strange Lights in the Sky
When I took over the CEO role at a gold exploration company, my first tasks were to establish some financial stability, and to provide the behind-the-scenes support for our first work program. Eventually, with

Happy 15th Anniversary
I have taken a break from my blog as frankly, life got a little busy. Bill, all know as my husband and someone I have worked with for….over 15 years….asked if I could arrange

First Date
Many years ago, a geologist I knew was out in the field in northern Canada, head down looking at rocks-when a grizzly attacked him from behind. The unprovoked attack left him with permanent scars

Uh Oh… Trouble is Coming
I once had a dream that my young son and I were walking on a trail when up ahead about 100 yards, the biggest grizzly I have ever seen came out of the bush

$5,000 = A Life-Altering Decision
If I were to tell you that you have the ability to take, what looks like a really bad financial deal, and turn it into a positive, life-altering decision… Would you believe me? Many,

Just home from another trip to Wyoming with my husband and son, or as I call them my prospecting buddies. We had a fabulous time and I almost hate to tell you about Wyoming