“When The Sun is High in That Texas Sky” – George Strait

It was a brainstorm, I tell ya! The production team called me about being featured in an episode of a series about women in male-dominated industries. The original thought was we shoot the episode in South Dakota following my recent work engaging with local communities. “But”, I said, “what about shooting the episode in Texas […]

Okay Janet

“Okay Janet, let’s start breathing like you learned in Lamaze class.” Said the lovely red-headed nurse at the Faro Nursing Station attending to me. “Uh yeah, about that. I kinda never went to the classes. Can you give me the Cole’s notes version?” A little shocked she agreed and patiently explained how to breathe making […]

Trust Me.

Lesson: Find good advisors and consider their advice in your final decision… but own the decision. I am sure my husband thought I was crazy, and I think he even said so. But after years of working together he learned to trust me when I would suggest what seemed to be the craziest ideas. We […]

Thank You for Your Service

Lesson: be thankful. I was proudly sworn in as a United States citizen on June 13, 2023 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  I owe some thanks to U.S. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, Representative for Colorado’s Third Congressional District, for helping coordinate and add me to the roster for the swearing in ceremony after a long wait. But I […]

A llama for me and a llama for you

Lesson: Go with community customs. So, I was in Wyoming with my husband Bill, and our two dogs, busy staking and living in hotels for a few weeks. Wyoming is a GREAT state: pro-business, ranching, mining and our interest – a cooperative and pro-active state for in-situ recovery uranium extraction. Simply put, Wyoming has a […]

Brewery Creek Bees

Lesson: Listen to the Elders. At Yukon’s Brewery Creek, a past-producing gold mine I mistakenly thought we could get back into production, we regularly hosted community site tours and one day we hosted the Trondek Hwechin First Nation Elders. It was a beautiful June day with lunch visits to our drills, old pits, core shack, […]

Lions and Tigers and Bears….Oh My!

Lesson Learned: Never approach a muskox from the side. When I look back on the variety of projects in my background, I sometimes think people don’t believe me. Understandably, since how could anyone do so many different things? My only answer is this is what happens when you end up in a magical place that […]

Support Rural America

Lesson: Rural America Needs Us and We Need Rural America I am fortunate to have spent some time in Edgemont, South Dakota and highly recommend everyone visit. Now Edgemont is not your typical tourist destination, in fact it’s not a tourist destination at all. For that, you go to nearby Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse or […]

I Once Had A Gold Bridge in the Yukon

Lesson: Be Consistent… and Push Like Your Life Depends on It! I feel a bit like the opening line in Out of Africa… “I once had a farm in Africa…”, why did she have a farm? Why doesn’t she have one anymore? Where did she have a farm? What happened…? Maybe I should read on. […]

Chinese TV Show

Lesson: Be Open to Opportunities In 2005, I received a call one day from a representative of Guangdong Television (GDTV) out of China. For those that do not know, and I was one at the time of the phone call, Guangdong Television is a television station in Guangzhou, Guangdong province in China. It is the […]