Innovate - Create - Communicate

Janet Sheriff, a proven leader in strategic communications and marketing, indigenous relations and community engagement.

Current Projects

About Janet

Ms. Sheriff brings 25 years experience in the mineral extraction industry, community engagement and communications. She presently serves as the President and Director of Group 11 Technologies and the enCore Energy Education Society, Director of Communications for Grants Energy and is the co-founder and current President of the Clean Energy Association of New Mexico.

She most recently served as the Chief Communications Officer of enCore Energy Corp.having managed their brand and communications from a micro-cap company to a leading uranium producer in the United States.

Ms. Sheriff led the world’s first on-site test of a solvent which replaced cyanide in the gold extraction process, resulting in the formation of Group 11.  She was responsible for creating the SRU® (the Secondary Recovery Unit) which replaced the smelter process in the test process.  Ms. Sheriff also established and presently owns the Yukon Mint®, which has created green gold coins with indigenous art to celebrate the local communities and artists. With a strong commitment to social responsibility and community engagement she has successfully negotiated and implemented socio-economic and exploration agreements with indigenous governments plus implemented numerous innovative programs, including the award-winning Elders-in-Residence Program, to ensure community involvement in corporate projects.  She is responsible for developing the Yukon Mine Training Association, focused on aboriginal training, raising $20+ mm for training initiatives.

Ms. Sheriff previously served as Chief Executive Officer of Golden Predator Mining; President of Tigris Uranium (now enCore Energy Corp.) and as Executive Chair of C2C Metals Corp (now Urano Energy Corp.). She is a graduate of Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, a dual Canadian and US citizen and a recipient of the Queen’s Jubilee Commemorative Medal awarded for outstanding achievements by Canadians.

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Previous Achievements

enCore Energy Corp.

Chief Communications Officer

America’s Clean Energy Company™: Providing fuel for nuclear energy in the United States.

C2C Gold Corp.

Executive Chair

A Newfoundland focused gold exploration company with a new gold discovery.

Golden Predator Mining Corp

Chief Executive Officer

Successful first-in-the-world field test of a non-cyanide solution to extract gold and replaced the smelter process; lead to the creation of Group 11 Technologies.

Built Yukon’s first bulk sample plant and mobile batch processing unit to support metallurgical testing for gold grade and replace the mill and smelter process; produced over 2,000 ounces of gold.

Established nationally-recognized Elders-in-Residence program and innovative programming to incorporate community engagement and mutually respectful relationship with First Nation government and communities.

Established the Yukon Mint creating ‘green’ gold coins highlighting local indigenous artwork.

Development and implementation of strategic plan, policy development, financing and operations for gold exploration and mining projects.

Predator Group of Companies/Till Capital Ltd.

Vice President

Marketing, community affairs, First Nation relations & investor relations; negotiation and implementation of numerous agreements, progressive programs and Socio Economic Benefits Accords with First Nation governments.

Tigris Uranium Corp


Corporate development of a new uranium company (now enCore Energy Corp.).

Yukon Mine Training Organization


Establishment and development of the feasibility plan, organizational development, organization start up. Secured $20-million for northern First Nation training in the mining industry.

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

Conference Consultant

Development and delivery of gold conferences in Dawson City, Yukon, Canada (115 gold fund managers and investors from 15 countries), Washington, DC (250 delegates), New Orleans and London, England (300 delegates).

Sherwood Copper Ltd. and Selkirk First Nation


Implementation of the Economic Benefits Agreement and lead on the creation of economic opportunities within the Agreement.

Yukon Economic Forums


Development and delivery of the Yukon Economic Forums including 40 conferences and workshops in 8 months.

Carcross/Tagish First Nation


Economic/tourism strategic plan development including marketing plan, human resource development plan and financing for all planning and project implementation.

Team Canada Trade Missions

Team Member

Development and delivery of Team Canada trade missions to China, South Korea and South America to generate business opportunities for Canadian companies.  

Association of Yukon Communities


Development of Yukon Infrastructure paper and strategy which secured $40M from Canada for infrastructure development.

Yukon Wildlife Preserve


Development, start-up planning, staffing and policy development to create a 400 acre preserve to serve as an education and care facility for northern wildlife species.

Commissioner’s Potlatch


Created, funded and implemented the award-winning Commissioner’s Potlatch gathering of all the Yukon and Northern BC First Nations (3,000 guests) celebrating the collective celebratory Yukon Potlatch in over 80 years.

Guang Dong Television


Project management and coordination of the Final Survivor Episode – filmed in Southern Lakes Region, Yukon for a Chinese television studio.

Yukon Government

Cabinet Policy, Intergovernmental Affairs, Economic Development

Provided independent analysis to three consecutive Premiers and Cabinet on matters pertaining to operational issues, corporate policy and strategic planning. Development of corporate papers including the first Land-Based Compensation Framework in Canada and ‘The Northern Economy’.

Yukon Mines Legacy Foundation


Yukon Gold Mining Alliance


CBC Television Political Analyst and CBC Radio Commentator (Canada Winter Games)




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